Wednesday 10 December 2014

Double page spread Research

Research for my Double page spread

I have researched different double-page spreads from different magazines such as XXL, Vibe, Billboard and Rolling Stones. This is 5 examples of magazines that I will use to help me create my double-page spread.

Most of the photographs are on the left side of the page with backgrounds therefore I am considering using this layout. I will keep the photograph to a black and white theme.

In the background of my model for the double-page spread may be a brick wall or I may photoshop the background.

Although most of the titles are at the top, I do like how on the second one it has a letter through the middle to represent her name "Lady Gaga". Therefore I am considering this process however I may just do a traditional title.

As I am doing my magazine black and white, I am either going to included red or navy blue therefore this will feature on my double page spread.

As I am doing my magazine black and white, I am either going to included red or navy blue therefore this will feature on my double page spread.

All of the texts are laid out in the same way as they all go to one side and go straight through the middle therefore I will do this to keep my magazine looking professional. I will use a serif font for my article as this makes it easier for the public to read

On the second one I like how there is a top line with the artists name on the end, therefore I am going to include this in my double page spread. However, I am not sure that the writing on the top line will be the artists name.

On the last double page spread, I like how they have kept to a colour scheme therefore I plan on doing this.

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